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tour 12
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Henning Calvör, director of the mining academy in Clausthal, also wrote theological and historical works; he was, however, better known for his major work on mining.
This book presents the state of mining technology in the 18th century in an impressive way. It is unique among books of this time in that it provides an abundance of information about the use of machines, the construction of shafts and mines and the extraction and processing of ores in the upper Harz region, then one of the most important mining areas in Germany.


akzent Title:

Calvör, Henning: Acta Historico-Chronologico-Mechanica Circa Metallurgiam In Hercynia Superiori. Oder Historisch-chronologische Nachricht und theoretische und practische Beschreibung des Maschinenwesens, und der Hülfsmittel bey dem Bergbau auf dem Oberharze : darin insbesondere gehandelt wird von denen Maschinen und Hülfsmitteln, wodurch der Bergbau befördert wird ... / Ausgefertiget von Henning Calvör. - Braunschweig : Fürstl. Waysenhaus-Buchh. - 2°

1 (1763) - 2 (1763)
Signatur: 2° Ot 5570<a> R

akzent Further Information:

Flash: 1.5 MB Example of the CD ROM
Link: Staatsbibliothek, Rara Collection








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